Washers are used to spread the load of a bolt or screw over a larger area or to help prevent loosening under vibration.
Washers |
Flat washersGeneral use flat washer |
USS flat washersUSS pattern is the most common type of flat washer. |
SAE flat washersSAE pattern is a tighter fit on the bolt and a smaller outside diameter. |
Structural washers F436A thick flat washer intended for use in structural connections. |
Fender washersWashers with oversized outside diameters. |
Lock washersSplit lock washers place tension against a nut after tightening, to help prevent loosening. |
High collar lock washersA split lock washer designed to fit under the head of a socket cap screw. |
Nord-Lock® washersA lock washer system that uses wedge locking technology to prevent loosening under severe vibration and dynamic load. |
Lock washers external toothUses external teeth to help prevent loosening. |
Lock washers internal toothUses internal teeth to help prevent loosening. |
Bonded sealing washersA synthetic rubber washer bonded to a slightly conical metal backing. Used to seal out air/water or dampen noise and vibration. |
Finishing washersDecorative washers for use with oval or flat head screws. |
Dock washersVery thick washers with large outside diameters. |
Square dock washersLarge square washers that are thicker than standard washers. |
Square channel washersSquare washers designed to be used with 1-5/8" strut channel. |
Square beveled washersIntended to be used in a beam flange to provide a parallel surface. |
Ogee washersThick, large diameter, washers with a curved or sculpted appearance. |